In this article, I am going to talk about how to dye your hair extensions.
My name is Lori and I have been wearing hair extensions for over six years. I can tell you that it’s relatively easy and cost-effective to dye your hair extensions and reach the perfect color.
You may purchase hair extensions thinking they will fit your natural hair color perfectly, but later notice they are much too light when you see them in person. If you’re considering dying your hair extensions, always be sure you know what type of hair extensions you have.
Synthetic hair is made from plastic and cannot be dyed, or heat styled. It will not hold a dye color and can be permanently damaging if you try to dye it. Real human hair can be heat styled, but most types of hair coloring can effectively dye it.
It will perfectly hold dye to give your extensions the perfect shade to work with your natural hair. Whether you plan to use a semi-permanent or permanent color, dyeing your real human hair extensions at home can be a very simple process.
Semi-permanent coloring can last for several weeks before it starts to fade out. It’s a great option to test the color and see if you want to use it permanently.
Gather Your Supplies
Finding the right hair color dye and developer is the most important step. It’s always advised to go with a professional brand or line of hair dye purchased from a stylist or beauty supply store, rather than a cheaper line from a standard department store.
By going with a professional hair coloring line, you’ll have much more freedom of choice in the depth of color and developer you use. Using a 10-volume developer is the best and most recommended option, though a 20-volume developer will work as well.
Always avoid using a 30-volume developer or higher, as it can cause permanent damage to your hair extensions. After you have selected your hair coloring and developer, make sure you have the rest of your supplies gathered. This will include:
- A bowl for mixing your hair coloring
- A coloring brush for applying the dye to your extensions
- Gloves to prevent the hair coloring from staining your skin
- Tinfoil or another protective cover for your work surface
- Plastic wrap to help the coloring develop
- Towel and Comb for use after you rinse the coloring out
Try to give yourself plenty of space to work. A large table or bathroom counter will provide plenty of room to layout your hair extensions evenly. This will help ensure all extension wefts receive an equal brushing of coloring without being layered on top of each other.
Always be sure your workspace is covered with tinfoil or another protective covering to prevent stains from the hair coloring.
Prepare Your Coloring Mixture and Hair Wefts
Regardless of what hair coloring brand you went with, always be sure to prepare your hair dye by following the manufacturer’s directions on the back of the box. Most hair coloring will require an equal part mixture of both dye and developer.
However, some brands may require more or less of one or the other.Be sure you have prepared an ample amount of hair coloring in advance. Normally, you will use up to 5 ounces of the prepared coloring to dye your hair extensions.
If you use an unusually large amount of wefts or very long hair, you may need more dye.For the best results, your hair extensions should be thoroughly dry before attempting to color. You should not wash your hair extensions right before coloring, but you should comb through the hair to ensure it is free from tangles.
This will ensure you get proper coverage of your dye when brushing it onto the extension wefts. Once your hair has been combed, lay it flat on your tin foil or other covering at your workspace.
Apply The Coloring To Your Extensions
Be sure to wear your gloves before using the hair coloring. This will prevent your skin from becoming stained by the dye. Use the hair coloring brush to apply the dye to your hair extensions thoroughly and evenly.
Make sure the entire length of the hair extension is saturated with your coloring mixture. Don’t be afraid to put the coloring on your hair wefts in a thick layer. You will want to have too much dye than too little on your hair.
Always start at the top of your hair extension and brush the coloring into the strands in the same direction as the hair would naturally fall. Applying the color in a random direction can damage the hair while also causing improper color coverage.
After the color has been thoroughly applied to your set of hair extensions, take the plastic wrap and cover the hair extensions. This prevents the dye from drying out and gives it plenty of time to soak into hair strands. Leave the coloring on the hair for up to 40 minutes, or whatever the manufacturer’s instructions recommend.
Check The Status Of The Coloring
While the coloring is soaking into the hair, try to check on the progress every 10 minutes or so.
Uncover a small amount of the extension and rub the dye from the hair with a paper towel. If the coloring has not developed to your liking, brush more coloring back onto the area you wiped off and check on it again in another 10 minutes.
Keep in mind, the color will appear darker when it is wet than when it dries. Once the color has received the shade or tone you prefer, it’s time to rinse the coloring out of the hair extensions to stop it from developing.
This should be made much easier by simply picking up all of the hair extensions at once with the tinfoil or other work surface covering you used and moving them over to a sink.
Rinse The Coloring From Your Extensions
Using cool water from the tap, run water over the hair extensions in the natural direction the hair falls. Run your fingers through the hair to help work out the remaining coloring dye that is present. Rinsing your entire collection of hair wefts should take around 15 minutes.
Don’t rush this process, as missing some dye and leaving it on the hair can cause improper colors and damage the hair itself. Once you are sure all of the colorings have been removed from the hair, it’s time to shampoo the hair extensions.
Be sure to use a sulfate-free shampoo or one that is specifically marketed as being color-safe. Shampoos that also cause moisturizing are also an excellent choice and will make your extensions look full and healthy when they are dry.
After the hair has been rinsed and shampooed, place the hair extensions on a towel and allow them to air-dry. You should take a few minutes to comb through the hair to help the drying process and to ensure the hair does not dry in a kinked or frizzled manner.
Useful Tips
- Keep the hair organized and tidy throughout the entire coloring process.
- Before adding coloring, be sure your hair has been brushed or combed straight.
- Mix up ample amounts of dye before starting. It’s better to have more than you think you will need rather than less.
- Work in the same natural direction of the hair. Start at the roots and brush towards the tips when applying the coloring or rinsing.
- Always allow the hair to air-dry once it has been laid flat on a towel. It’s normally recommended not to use a blow dryer.
- Always use some cover on your work surface. This can be tin foil, plastic wrap, or another type of surface covering to prevent stains from the dye.
- Coloring your hair extensions should only be done to darken light hair. Attempting to bleach dark hair can cause permanent damage and serious loss of quality.
Wrapping Up
Whether you are brand new to dyeing your hair or are experienced with the process, being able to adjust the depth of tone on your hair extensions can easily be done in your own home. By following the manufacturer’s instructions on the hair coloring box, as well as this guide, you will soon be adjusting the color to your hair extensions in no time!