There are many ways you can revamp a wig without chemicals or coloring. If you have a pair of hair shears, scissors, or clippers, you can recreate your wig into a beautiful new style. Whether you are a novice or an expert in cutting hair, this article will give you a few simple tips that you can start using immediately.
My name is Lauren, and I have worked as a hairstylist for many years. My first experience with cutting hair seemed like ages ago, and I had to learn the new trends that have become popular in this modern era.
I love wearing bob wigs, and it can be challenging to find the one that fits me best. One thing that has helped me with this issue was to start turning my wigs into bob hairstyles. Not only did I cut and tailor the hair to the way I liked, but I was able to feel confident and beautiful in my bob hairstyles.
If you have the same problems and want to know what it takes to cut a wig into a bob, then this article is for you. I will show you several different methods that I believe will truly enhance how you cut your wigs.
If you’re ready to level up on your skills, keep reading to learn more.
Method 1: Using Hair Shears to Cut a Wig into a Bob
Now, to cut your wig into a bob, you can try the hair shears method that is the most common. Here are the tools you will need:
- Comb
- Flat-iron
- Hair shears
- Clips
- Towel or hair cape
- Elastic hair ties
- Spray water bottle
- Wig stand
- T pins
- Blow dryer
Creating a Soft Blunt Bob on Dry Hair
There are endless bob styles that you can use when it comes to cutting your wig into a bob, but one that has stood out is the blunt bob cut.
This cut is very simple and great for beginners. You can style this bob with a middle, right side, and left side parting. After you have washed and dried your wig, follow these steps:
Step 1: Place your wig on the wig stand and pin it down with the T pins. Flat-iron your wig to make sure that it is completely straight, and part it into the style you want to wear with your bob cut.
Step 2: Divide your wig into three sections and tie the two front sections with an elastic hair tie.
Step 3: Part a ‘C’ curve above the neckline to section out the hair at the nape of the neck. Spray with your spray bottle to make it a little wet so it will comb into a natural fall.
Step 4: Taking your hair shears, cut the hair following the neckline without losing the corners behind the ear.
Step 5: Continue cutting the back of the hair in this way, following the outline of the length you started with.
Step 6: After cutting the entire back section, blow-dry the hair to make it dry for shaping and texturizing.
Step 7: Move to the side sections and cut them dry straight across, following the length from the back of the hair.
Step 8: Once the baseline is created, point-cut the interior to add subtle layers and texture throughout. This will make the hair moveable and give it a softer look.
Now you have completed cutting your wig into a bob. At this point, you can style it straight, or add curls and waves for variety.
Method 2: Using Hair Clippers to Cut a Wig into a Bob
Now, to cut your wig into a bob, you can try the hair shears method which is the most common. Here are the tools you will need:
- Comb
- Flat-iron
- Hair Clippers
- Clips
- Towel or hair cape
- Elastic hair ties
- Wig stand
- T pins
- Blow dryer
Creating a Blunt Bob on Dry Hair
This method will give you a clear bob that will be done in no time. After you have washed and dried your wig, follow these steps:
Step 1: Place your wig on the wig stand and pin it down with the T pins. Flat-iron your wig to make sure that it is completely straight, and part it into the style you want to wear with your bob cut.
Step 2: Divide your wig into three sections and tie one front section and the back with an elastic hair tie.
Step 3: Starting at one side of the front section, take your comb and comb through the hair, following underneath with the hair clippers where you have stopped your comb, and begin cutting the hair in a straight line at your preferred length.
Step 4: Once you have completed the previous section, proceed to the next section. Take your comb and comb through the hair, following underneath with the hair clippers where you have stopped your comb, and begin cutting the hair in a straight line of the length in the previous section.
Step 5: Move to the next section. Take your comb and comb through the hair, following underneath with the hair clippers where you have stopped your comb, and begin cutting the hair in a straight line of the length in the previous section.
Step 6: After completing all sections, you can add layers here or proceed to style the wig as you like.
This completes cutting the wig into a bob using the hair clippers method.
Here are some common questions you should know when cutting a wig into a bob.
Can you use regular scissors to cut hair?
It is not recommended to use regular scissors because it can damage the hair fibers. Kitchen shears, household shears, and garden shears can pull the hair, causing an uneven cut and damage.
Scissors that are meant for hair should be used because they will more than likely have a stainless steel blade and are sharpened.
You can find good-quality shears at your local beauty supply store or online.
Is there such a thing as a long bob?
Yes, it is typical to see long bob styles that are not traditional bob lengths. A traditional bob cut will usually stop around the chin and jawline.
You can find bob lengths that can extend past the shoulder length. You will usually use hair lengths from 8 to 16 inches to achieve a bob style.
Wrap Up
Bob hairstyles are always trending and a great look for anyone, no matter your head size or shape. You can get an asymmetrical, angle, and v-cut bob with different layers for an edgy look. This article gives you a basic and simple head start to learning to cut a wig into a bob.
If you have any suggestions, comments, or concerns, share them below in the comments. Happy cutting!